mama scout lab e-course

Monday, July 30, 2012

Boats, Art and Skyscrapers

We walked a few miles to get on this boat for a great cruise around the island. The weather was beautiful!

A quick cab ride to MOMA for lunch and a full blown case of art head. There was an amazing exhibition about the last 100 years of childhood and how it has been interpreted through design, education and law. I was not allowed to take photographs - but if you are in New York, go. It is great!

After a walk to Rockerfeller Center and the observation deck there, we walked back home to see that Obama is having a fundraiser dinner just a block away. The street is swarming with cops, cop cars, and barricades.

Here is how I feel:

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I am blogging from my phone after a 12 hour journey to get here. I am not sure tired can even describe my state.

The view from my window.

Crazy Picasso looking over us while we sleep!

Beautiful sky after rain and at sunset.

I came looking for him. He is in a picture of my daughter from last year.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mama Scout returns with some big news!

Well, that was some fun time off. Although, I did not really unplug or rest. What I did was shuttle my kids around to various camps and classes, go to the beach, take a few writing workshops, think,  and work on my first Mama Scout Lab e-course. You can read all about it here.

I have had this e-course in mind for a long time and finally decided to just do it. Culled from a decade of notes, the difficulty in creating this course was not a shortage of content - but wrestling it into a cohesive experience. I think I got it!

As the registrations come in, I am in awe and scared and excited. But most of all, I am heartened to see that there are so many other intentional and creative mamas who are interested in community and big, creative, messy, thinking outside the box. I have a strong feeling that the combined experience of this group is going to blow us all away. 

I can not wait for it to get started! 

And there is still room for you to join us. We can create the home and world we want for our families and children!

In other news. I am leaving tomorrow morning for my first trip away from my children in a decade. I am going to NYC for 4 days with my brother in an impromptu adventure. I think it is going to be great, but we are all feeling the anticipation of missing each other terribly already. Send me your tips! 

How do you handle the double feelings of excitement and sadness?

I will blog from the road, so come along with me. I am particularly excited to see this installation on the roof of the Met. And this Bioluminescence exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History.

I will be back next week and back to normal. Sharing some new Monday Missions and Exploration Labs and whatever else we are cooking up 'round here.

Stay in touch! Leave a comment (that is like the best for a blogger), hook up with me on Facebook or Instagram (mama scout) or just drop me an email and let me know what you are thinking about.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

sight word ball

I did a guest post over at Carrots are Orange.
 You can read it here

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

checking in - july is starting with a bang!

How is your month going? The weather here is hot but not unbearable. The mosquitos, however, could carry you away. I am deep into my classes, which are amazing. I love working with and sharing with people all over the country. There are some seriously interesting and talented folks out there!

Art camp came and went. It was fun for everyone this year!

We bought a pressure washer and all fought over it. It is so satisfying to clean dirt from cement and brick and decks and gutters.....

 And I made a wreath, which is pretty uncharacteristic of me. 
Oh, and my kids started blogs, on this month of my blog break! Check them out and leave a comment if you would. 
They are loving the feedback!

Fashion Fools - all about art and fashion

Florida Backyard Bugs - about Florida bugs and habitat making

Monday, July 2, 2012

slowing down for the july

I know it is common for bloggers to take mini sabbaticals in August - but I think I need mine now!

I am taking two writing classes this month, my kids are enrolled in art and swim and dance, and we might try to have some slow, easy times too. 

So, I will be back in August. Maybe with some new things to offer. In the meantime, I am going to run some forgotten posts from the archives (from when I had no readers). And might pop in with some photos just to say hi. 

I hope your month is as great as it can be!
