mama scout lab e-course

Friday, May 22, 2020

journal jam :: the pandemic edition

This summer I am offering a ten-week session of Journal Jam and am so excited!
I have offered this lab many summers over the last decade and every year, I start getting emails in the spring asking if I will offer again. Many have told me that they pulled out old prompts to use during the stay-at-home requirements and are ready for more. So, if you want all fresh content, appropriate and scaleable for youngers to teenagers, I got you covered. You can sign up here.

Family Journal Jam will give you a daily jumping-off point for exploring and creating a journaling practice with your children. This can be life-changing for your family -  and I am not overselling here, I believe in the power of writing and art-making for kids.

BUT--- I have come to understand that Journal Jam is really a curiosity-driven philosophy. It can happen in a journal, a camera roll, a vivarium on a nightstand, and in the kitchen. The journal is simply one place to wonder, explore, and record. It is a tool that provides space for expansive thinking.

The first 50 sign-ups get a welcome pack in the mail! They are going fast, so sign up now!