mama scout lab e-course

Saturday, June 11, 2011

fun french toast cubes

This is such an easy way to make french toast. We first made it when we had some leftover sourdough bread cubes from a fondue dinner. Basically, cube the bread and mix it with your egg mixture (we used 8 eggs, a splash of cream, a scoop of chia seeds and a shake of cinnamon for a long french baguette) and cook in a big skillet. I make so much that I need to cook two batches, so I transfer the first batch to a baking sheet in the oven to keep them warm. The only trick is that you need to make sure they are cooked on all sides. It is not that hard, just keep an eye on them.


So, what makes them so good? Well, maybe for kids, the novelty of it. For me, I like that I do not have to butter, syrup, and cut each serving. I can pile them up on a platter, drizzle butter and syrup over the top and then scoop them on to plates. (I have 3 kids, so I am always looking for shortcuts for the day to day minutiae).

Do you have a shortcut for getting breakfast on the table?

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