mama scout lab e-course

Friday, July 29, 2011

book stack

Do you ever go to the library and find so many things that are on your wishlist? How am I going to read all these in 2 weeks? What is in your stack? Share in the comments!


  1. Sewing school RULES!!
    We have done many projects inspired by that book. Maxx loves to sew!

    I think half of those book are on my wish list too! Good for you! Quiet reading sounds great.

  2. I love that book stack! Summer is such a busy time that I think a stack of good books is a perfect balance.

    Here's our moment:

  3. ummm, yes! we do that every time we go to the library :-)

  4. Yay for book stacks!! Though, I do get overwhelmed sometimes :).

    Currently rereading: Pride and Prejudice annotated version (love)
    The stack:
    The Help (gotta hurry before the movie comes out!)
    The Book Thief
    Discovery of Witches
    Weapons of Mass Destruction: Schoolteachers journey by John Taylor Gatto
    Instead of Education: ways to help people do things better by john holt
    Stitch -n- Bitch: Knitters handbook

    Crikey, if only I had more time!!!

  5. ive been dying to read "the law of love" by dr. hatcher. have just been lazy about ordering it yet :) currently enjoying some charles dickens.


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