mama scout lab e-course

Sunday, August 21, 2011

back with a new perspective

I am back! My week off was pretty great - I made pickles and homemade maraschino cherries with my husband, lost and re booked an apartment for NYC in September, hosted a mini-slumber party, bought a few hundred pounds of produce for canning, rode my bike with all 3 kids (by myself!), and tried to get my fall somewhat organized. I stayed off the computer as much as possible and realized that if I am going to blog, and sell badges, and support others, I need to set a schedule of when I am can be online. Being connected all day is exhausting and rattling my brain! How do you manage your online time?

I will be here tomorrow with a book review and a themed week!


  1. Welcome back!

  2. your week off sounds good. i've been debating the same thing as we prepare to start school this week - not sure how to fit in homeschool, the nacho's therapy, etc. and still find time to blog, read blogs, etc. guess the next few weeks will be about me finding a new rhythm ;-)

  3. Your week off was a full one! Welcome back!


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