mama scout lab e-course

Monday, November 21, 2011

when my children decided to built a cave in the backyard

The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible - and achieve it, generation after generation. 

Pearl Buck

This project took many hours on several days last week.

These kids worked together and got filthy. They chatted and dreamed together and would then pop in to let me know what was changed and what new ideas were brewing.

Plans were made and revised, work loads were divvied up, and observations were shared (how the shovel worked best, what sort of bugs they were running into, how the little artifacts (midden) they uncovered got there). At one point, Indian brave costumes were made and worn.

We even learned about sewage systems when we hit 2 different pipes - one new (PVC) and one old (clay).

Some days we do really typical things; like take a science class, write some poetry  or play math games on a hundreds chart.

But the days where we learn the very most are when we are just digging holes.

This post is my reminder to say YES and let my kids fully pursue their projects, as often as possible and with whatever support they need. 

If you are a family of free range learners - I would love to hear your stories of how you support open ended, dirty projects. Just leave a story or link in the comments.


  1. That looks like something my boys would love. What an encouragement. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Oh, my yes. Holes. My sisters and I began digging some lovely ones with grand ideas of swimming holes. Big, huge swimming holes. A pool post brought smiles of the childhood time of grand schemes and attempts to build them. Lovely you are also allowing your children to reach towards these dreams, learn their abilities...and even their worldly limitations.


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