mama scout lab e-course

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

gift guide - 7yo boy

This kid is a serious entomology and science buff. He looks under every rock and leaf and has been able to catch some amazing natural phenomenon with his eagle eyes. He also has a killer sense of humor and especially loves to watch and perform slapstick comedy. Here are some of his holiday treats.

This handmade bag, filled with goodies is perfect for adventuring nature kids. You can get it here.

This nature vest will be great to carry supplies when we are hiking and traveling. You can get it here.

I reviewed Microcosmos here a few months ago. This is simply the best insect film ever.

This Little Rascals box set is perfect for kids with great comedic sense. Actually, we already own it and have enjoyed the hours and hours of episodes many times. The Little Rascals have influenced play, dress (one kid wears undershirts because of an episode), inventions (remember all their cool vehicles?) and every sort of kid cultural creation around here.

I love to support art projects made by kids. This cool coloring book is just a few bucks and about a million times more rad than anything else you will find in any store. Get it here.

I have no idea what I am thinking. It must be all the unschooling and "yes" philosophy I am drinking in - but I am getting my son a BB gun. He wants it so bad, and is a very cautious kid. But, I have several bad gun stories in my past - so this will be an interesting journey for us. Which I guess is what parenting should be, right? A journey and relationship between people...

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