mama scout lab e-course

Monday, December 19, 2011

magic in the mail

What a wonderful nature swap with A Life Sustained! My kids were so excited to see what sort of nature items traveled all the way from Iowa. We were so interested in how the pinecones are longer and skinnier than the ones here in Florida. Also, wondering if we can eat the dried berries? And so excited to crack our geode - what a great state rock. 

Thanks Courtney! Want to try again in Spring?


  1. What fun! Amazing how different this world is from corner to corner, isn't it?

  2. Yay! I'm so glad it made its way to you! YES you can eat the aronia berries! They're tart, so I like them in smoothies, but they're also good in muffins. You can also eat the amaranth seeds (but I hear that the wild variety has a much tougher hull and is more challenging to cook than the domestic varieties you might find in the store, but I've also heard that you can pop them like tiny little versions of popcorn). I would LOVE to do this again in the spring. It will be fun to see what different things are around in different seasons. Thanks again for suggesting doing a swap!


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