mama scout lab e-course

Friday, January 20, 2012

make your own lego kit

My five year old son came up with the best project, I had to share it. He decided to make his own Lego kit. He designed the model and drew the schematics. And then I was asked to complete it (which was a little harder than you might think).

Wouldn't it be fun to expand this activity to include the whole family? Each person who was into it could make their own kit, and then trade them around and see who could complete the project? This project works as well for pre-writers as it does for more fluent writers.

Have your Lego loving kids done something like this?


  1. My son has done this. He then found LEGO software that allows you to design your own creation and then explode it into the component pieces. He does this at times and then creates the model out of the real thing.

  2. Oh love this!! I have some Lego-loving kids here and yes, projects with Legos abound. I will have to share the idea of creating your own kit to give to another to put together!

    Such fun!

  3. BRILLIANT! I love what creative little minds can come up with... when they have the support to be creative.


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