mama scout lab e-course

Sunday, February 5, 2012

so glad i'm here

I am particpating in Erin Goodman's 10 Day Family Re-Charge program. It is a program designed to get families back on track and back to their center  - and it is great timing after the frenetic holidays. 

The private Facebook group is pulsating with good ideas, amazing sharing and support. 

Many of the participants reacted to this video, featuring Elizabeth Mitchell's (love) song, So Glad I'm Here with photos from their own homes and the messes and blessings of living full, chaotic, joyful lives. Here are mine from this morning. 

my desk, which is never clean and acts as a repository for everyone's stuff: journals, cds, remote controls for little helicopters and photos of cell cakes that we are planning to make. 

my children all hooked in to electronics! notice the couch cushions missing. they are being washed because the cat vomited on them. 

after our big sunday breakfast, the table remains full of dishes. (usually, everyone is pretty good with cleaning the table, but this morning my youngest son hurt his tooth and that pulled everyone away. notice his breakfast still sitting there).

yeah, we are not cleaning that stove.

our house is going under some renovations, so this is what i see when i wake up.

as rooms are moved and walls are knocked out, we have piles like this all around. 

and through all this chaos and weird energy, i can most definitely say, that i am SO GLAD I'M HERE!

hope you are glad where you are today!


  1. Hi Amy! So glad I found your blog through Erin's event. Love your photos and your badges. Just subscribed :)

  2. I, too, am doing the challenge. Came to your page for the chicken strips.
    So my pics also included a messy desk which made me laugh on your page.
    Love your blog.

  3. I love, love, love that song. I embrace it as my stay-at-home mama anthem and I love how it's paired with these moments of domestic normalness. Simply wonderful.

  4. We've got piles of stuff, blue tape and visquene plastic wrap where doors once were. House project invite piles, but it's ok. Stuff is invisible when the change that is happening is so good. Funny, to be so happy and to be so glad to be here when things are this good, but when money is this low and projects are this unfinished.

  5. I always know it is time to finish a project (they are SLOW around here) when I cannot stand the clutter of stuff moved from the room-in-progress one second longer. Your home looks lovely!

  6. What a great video -- I am always amazed that when we get down to it, so many of us live similar lives that are ever a work in progress. And the toys and cups and laundry abound! I think your ending with your little beckoning you to snuggle up with the blanket is the true true meaning behind your great video!

    Love it!


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