mama scout lab e-course

Monday, March 26, 2012

monday missions :: take your daily constitutional

Monday Missions: a simple idea to add a little magic to your week.

daily constitutional: a walk taken for one's health

We weave in and out of seasons of taking walks as a family. When my children were much younger, neighborhood walks in strollers were common several times a day. 

Now, much of our walking happens when we hike in the woods or have a particular destination (the library or a class that is nearby). But, recently, we have been trying to take our daily constitutional, through the neighborhood, after dinner. It is such a great way to help your food digest and unwind. The days that we walk are usually the days that everyone falls asleep more gently and at peace. 

We never cease to have a mini adventure when we walk around our neighborhood. We have come across magically lit trees in the middle of fields, neighbors making kettle corn and offering a bag, whole galleries of amateur artwork being thrown out that we eagerly rifle through and many ducks and turtles having life adventures that we watch and sometimes participate in.

And, the words and ideas and plans and dreams really start flowing when our legs are moving. Sometimes from all three kids at once. Something happens to the mind when we walk. We loosen up our brain and start connecting all the disparate bits and bobs that are knocking around into cohesive ideas and feelings. It is a gift to give your children and yourself at the end of the day.

So, this week, my challenge to myself (and you if you want to play along) is to walk each night after dinner and see what happens.

How do you walk with your kids? 


  1. love that y'all walk so often together! we do it several times a week once the mr. gets home from work and it is always a nice way to start winding down.

  2. Sounds like you all have great adventures on your walks! I was in the habit of walking daily when my 3 year old was smaller, but have fallen out of doing it. You've inspired me, we will walk again!

    And I'd love for you to share your post on our Happy Family Times linky -

    Hope to see you there, Kelly

  3. I miss it when we lived in a neighborhood that was "walk-friendly." Not we live on a busy windy road and are surrounded by posted woods and land that we are not welcome to walk on. :( But at least we have a couple acres of our own to run around on. Thanks for linking up with us on the Kids Co-Op!

  4. Sounds so lovely!! I wish we could do this, but my little one needs to be a little older since now she goes to bed right after dinner. Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times! I hope you will share with us again this week!


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