mama scout lab e-course

Monday, March 19, 2012

monday missions:: plan a game night this week

Monday Missions: a simple idea to add a little magic to your week.

If you have not played a game with your family in while, how about giving it a try this week? 

Our family has finally moved into playing more challenging games (ones that keep my interest) and it has been great. Game night (or day) is becoming a frequently requested activity and I think we will continue to explore new games together.

We especially like Monopoly, Chess, Scrabble, Battleship, and Sorry. Very classic - but I do have some others I would  like to try, like, Ticket to Ride, Stone Age, and Risk.

Does your family have a game night? What is your favorite board game?


  1. We don't yet have a game night, although we play lots of games. Recently we have become fascinated with Ticket to Ride. It is a fun game for the 7yr and 8yr old. We even played with their grandparents when they visited.

  2. The favorites in our house right now are Clue, Blokus, Five Crowns, and Rummikub. Ticket to Ride is on my games-to-try list, too!

  3. We don't have an official family game night... but I like the idea. Soon, when my girls - 4 & 7 - are a bit older. Current kid favorite at my house is Lost Puppies, a cooperative game. Also on the list: Rukus and Jr. Monopoly. My husband and I like to play Scrabble - great way to acceptably release that need to compete!

  4. Blokus, Busy Town -- also a cooperative game -- and Yahtzee!! I'll have to check out lost puppies! Love these missions. We do game night a few times a month. I wish it were more but the little ones are still learning the art of BORED games. LOL

  5. Thanks for the suggestions.... can not wait to try some of them.

  6. Nice,i'll play with my kids . THANKS


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