mama scout lab e-course

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

writing lab :: word bank comics

Word bank comics are such a fun writing lab with kids of all ages. 

1. To make the word bank, we took turns rolling an alphabet die (you can see it lurking around in the bottom picture). Then we each thought of the funniest/craziest/most unique word we could and wrote it on an easel. This part alone was super fun and helped get our creative juices flowing.

2. Then each kid used comic blanks (I print mine off from here) to make a zany comic using as many of the words from the bank as they can (or want to - sometimes, they end up going in a completely different direction, and that is ok).

The end results are always hilarious: Dracula trying to get a kiss from some fancy ladies, warnings not to step on cracks (to avoid breaking mothers' backs) and pick up Quidditch games with dogs (and there is usually some poop humor too). 

My kids love drawing comics as much as they like reading them. We keep them all in page protectors in a binder and I can frequently find them on the couch rereading their work and laughing out loud. 

Do your kids like comics? Do they draw them too? Any great resources to share?


  1. My kiddos LOVE comics. They read and create them all the time. Often there is a bit of poop humor - why it never loses its appeal fascinates me. the word bank is a great idea. I bet we could come up with some crazy stories from this. (I have tried barebooks for comic books, but find printing works just fine)

  2. What fun! I could see my six-year-old getting really into this - thanks for sharing with Learning Laboratory!

  3. Ack mommy brain. I should have said, would love for you to link this up at Learning Laboratory!

  4. Thanks for linking up! :D

  5. This sounds like something my creative 7 yr old would love, the big question is where do I find an alphabet die??

    1. we found ours at the local teacher store, but i also saw them at the book store. and here

    2. I love this idea! I'm so glad you posted your blog on the homeschool group's forum. I have found such fun ideas from you :)
      We have an alphabet die in our Scattergories game that we can use for this. Thanks!

    3. Thanks! I am glad you are finding some ideas to use with your girls :)


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