mama scout lab e-course

Monday, August 13, 2012

mission monday :: start an adventure fund

This week, put all your loose and extra money in a jar and at the end of the week, using ONLY that money, see what kind of adventure you can have.

Can your family have a little adventure with $5? What about $1?

Some ideas:

photocopies (did you see last week's post?)

buy a box of popsicles and eat them at the park.

buy crepe paper and decorate your bikes.

rent a $1 movie and use the rest to buy some candy to share.

buy flowers to put at the dinner table or to cut up.

buy a box of sparkers and light them while your kids are taking a bath (use all reasonable caution of course).

go to the used book store and let everyone pick out a new novel.

use it all for random acts of kindness!

buy glowsticks from the dollar store and make sculptures that you hang from the ceiling at night.

Let me know about the cheapest family adventure you can have!


  1. I love this idea! You never cease to amaze me with all of your creative ways to have fun and learn together as a family. Thanks so much for sharing with us!

  2. Ooooh! Making one today! A good addition to my "Oh shoot, I don't have enough cash to pay the delivery person" jar.

  3. Love this! In the past, we used to save all our loose change for one year and then had an all out family fun day, but I love the idea of saving for one week and then using the change for something small, but fun :)


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