mama scout lab e-course

Friday, February 22, 2013

10 rules of the happy people

I am a people watcher. Not just random people strolling around town, but people I am acquainted with too.  I feel like I can learn something from everyone I meet and have recently been interested in what makes happy, upbeat, positive people tick. Here is what I have come up with:

1. Happy people laugh a lot. At themselves, at their troubles, at daily situations. Approaching the day with humor is the way to go.

2. They always have something to look forward to. A trip, a class, a dinner, or a big project - anticipation of something interesting keeps life vital and fun.

3. Energetic people have a connection to nature. They like to hike, garden, look out of their windows, go to the beach and just walk around outside.

4. People are happier when they have pets or at least like and respect animals.

5. They like and eat good food. Healthy, decadent, special, weird food is all great for happy people.

6. Happy people are confident in their life choices. They take responsibility and are willing to make changes if something is not working. Victim mentality never equals happy camper.

7. They have strong relationships but are non-attached to particular roles for others to fulfill. Meaning, they love deeply, but a happy person's joy is not dependent on another person making it for them.

8. Happy people keep their minds active and agile by thinking new ideas. They are non-dogmatic in their thinking. New concepts are invigorating, not scary to them.

9. Some sort of physical activity keeps the happy juice flowing. A sedentary lifestyle usually is not going to get you there (literally or figuratively).

10. A happy person always has something interesting to share. They read cool books, listen to a variety of music and go to interesting plays and films.

I loved coming up with this list and thinking about the things I do (and can do) to keep myself happy.

So, what are some of the tenets from the happy people in your life? Please share in the comments!


  1. I am a new subscriber and I am loving everything I am reading here! My happiness tip, let bad moments be bad moments and not define your day. :-)

    1. thanks andrea! and welcome :)

      i need your tip - sometimes i can stew.

  2. This is an awesome list and so true. I have found happy people are rarely ignorant; and always open to learning

    1. thanks! i agree. as soon as you think you know it all, you are done.

  3. Amy, this list is awesome! I'm going to print it. Have you read Brene Brown's Daring Greatly? She is a researcher who studies people's happiness, too. She says the key is that wholehearted (happy) people believe they are worthy of happiness. I love that! How often do we talk ourselves out of amazing experiences because we don't think we're good enough? Happy people are willing to take chances and put themselves out there.

    1. thanks, Allison!

      she is on my list to read - i need to just get the book!

  4. Happy list! I think happy people also serve other people (volunteering, community, church...) and look outward a great deal.

    1. yes! giving and helping others is really important too. i should have added that!


  5. That sounds a heck of a lot like me! I do almost all those things and feel I am generally very happy with my life. What a great list!

  6. Brilliant... I am going to pin this and remember to refer to it.

    1. thanks susan, i originally wrote it to help me remember the things that i need to focus us when i get into a funk.

  7. Love this Amy, reposted on personal profile and professional page. Happiness is work...and therefor available for everyone!


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