mama scout lab e-course

Thursday, April 4, 2013

{announcing} dispatches from Paris - real mail, from far away

My word this year is FLY and this May we are literally flying to Paris for the month. 

All five of us. 

I worked in Paris several summers and have visited on my own as much as I could, so it is a place I love deeply and yearn for achingly. I can not wait to share some of its quiet secrets with our children. 

I am also "flying" with my ideas, no matter how crazy or off the wall they seem. So, I have decided to offer a letter subscription while I am there. Why? Because I love getting mail and thought you might too! 

What am I offering? A handwritten, photocopied letter from me each week, tucked into a French envelope with a stamp and mailed all the way across the ocean to your mailbox.

I am drawn to low tech forms of communication the more time I spend on the computer. I want to experiment more with mail trades, zine publishing and public art.

I will fill you in on the adventures of my creative family, share some ideas, recipes, resources and probably a few funny stories. You can be sure there will be at least a few bits of ephemera tucked in the letters too. A leaf or feather, maybe a metro ticket or found grocery list - what ever presents itself on my wanderings.

This project is like a DIY Kickstarter project. It will help fund everything (food, museums, metro tickets) times FIVE! And it will help keep me accountable to you and my own heart about the trip. I will notice more details because I will feel like I am bringing you along with me. I will share about the grocery stores and the old women, about how much things cost, what is in bloom, and what the honey shop is like. 

Are you game? 

$20 for a weekly letter from Paris, all May 2013.

Subscribe here.


  1. Amy,

    I'm so excited for you! The letter idea sounds great, and I would love it if you made a zine all about Paris! I've been thinking about how wonderful a crop of indie city guides would be. I'm thinking about writing one about Tokyo. Something for creative families.

    I hope to take my family to Paris some day, and I would love your expert advice! These are some things I would love to know more about:
    Navigating the Louvre and other famous sites.
    Choosing the perfect baguette
    Uncommon shops restaurants, sandwich stands, etc.
    Secret special places in parks
    Travel activities
    How to add more romance to a trip with a small family: flowers, perfume, music, strolls
    French beauty
    French style
    Easy to adopt at home french culinary traditions
    like those salads and simple meals, kitchen gardens, etc.
    Facing Frenchiness as an American
    renting bikes????
    Scavenger hunts
    The French Countryside
    How to enjoy a perfect french meal

    I'm just rattling things off here, but Mamma Scout x France sounds like such a winning combination I can't believe it.


    1. Amber - thank you so much for this list. What a great starting place for me!

      I would love to read a travel zine about Tokyo!

    2. this is my favorite guide to nyc.

    3. Amy,

      Thanks for the link to the NYC guide! I read No Touch Monkey a long time ago and loved it. My mother in law lives about an hour outside of NYC so I hope to visit again in the next few years. This zine will be perfect, and I'll get more serious about my Tokyo guide! Bit by bit......

      Have an amazing trip!


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