mama scout lab e-course

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

{make} your own currency

Hello - I have been in full on adventure planning mode lately!

We had so much fun with a recent activity, I wanted to share. This would be a great project to tuck away for a day when you need something quick and engrossing.

One of my son's birthday gifts last week was a treasure box with a leather journal, compass necklace, wax letter sealing set, colored rocks and jewels and a money making set. The whole thing was a hit, but I think the money making kit was the best.

A variety of wooden disks from the craft store, some sharpie markers and watercolor paint were all we needed to create funds for a new quest.

We had so much fun coming up with designs, numbers, and even a new name for his
currency (they are all "chings"). He invited his siblings to make chings too - so now he has a wide variety and their adventuring play just got a little more interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how amazing! I love the chings! It reminds me a little bit of a phase my oldest went through when he was five and he decided to make Lowe's credit cards out of cardboard...dozens of them with different designs!

    I am tucking this idea away for a fun future project!


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