we have a winner! Congratulations
Heather Roberts-VanSickle!
Unbelievable! I am so excited to offer today - a giveaway to BOTH upcoming e-courses - Leah Kent and Stephanie Perkinson's Feathering the Nest and Mama Scout's Dream Lab. This is a $89 value!
I took Feathering the Nest last session and loved it. I was so inspired to straighten, fluff and add sparkle to my space. And what a combination - to be working on your inner and outer space at the same time! Brilliant!
Skip down to the bottom to see how to enter and to find a code for a discount just for Mama Scout readers!
For fun, I asked Leah a few interview questions. I think you will fall in love with her work as much as I have.
1. Tell me about your creative
passion/talents and how you want to impact the world.
I am passionate about
the everyday opportunities we all have to be creative and make our mark on the
world. That’s why I started Skill It, to share and celebrate the joys and
pleasures of living a handmade, homemade life. While growing up I would spend
endless hours practicing sewing and embroidery, skills that my mother taught me
from an early age. From my dad, I learned all about gardening, woodworking, and
how to use lots of different tools.
I think that being
able to make things with our hands creates a connection with the world around
us that makes us feel grounded, content, and confident. I love being part of
this growing community of people who are practicing these talents. My hope is
to encourage people to teach these skills to young people. The sooner children
are given the opportunity to be contributing and useful members of the family,
the happier I think they grow up to be.
2. Can you offer a few tips for
cultivating creativity and beauty into daily life?
To me, creativity and
beauty are often borne out of simplicity. The more space we gift ourselves
with, the more we can relax into the beauty that is already there around us. I
like to keep a gratitude journal to help me slow down and notice the little
things that happened through the day and made me smile. I have learned that
less is truly more when it comes to feeling creative in life. I’ve said “no” a
little bit more often so I would have more unstructured time in which I could
relax, play, and simply enjoy how my weekend wants to unfold. And when in
doubt, turn to nature. I am always inspired when I go to the coast and collect
shells and rocks, or when I take long walks and notice the smallest things that
pop up along my path.
3. What are you in love with right now?
Embroidery samplers
and beading! I love the meditative element of stitching things by hand. I
recently rediscovered the symbolism of spirals and I am stitching these onto
linen right now. Making each stitch by hand helps me find a sense of peace and
calm and really brings me into the present moment, sort of like the yoga of
As for the beading, I
have always enjoyed making jewelry. I’ve had a lot of long-term projects on my
plate this year and I was craving something that could be completed quickly. I
became fascinated with the wooden mala beads used for meditation so I figured
out how to make these myself. So in case it didn’t come through, you can tell
from these answers that I am really into deepening my meditation and yoga
practices right now, too.
4. What are you looking forward to this
Spending time in my kitchen
making soup, roasted vegetables, and banana bread. I love that Fall is a time
to turn on the oven to warm up the house and make something delicious and
nourishing. My big soup pots and baking sheets get quite the workout in the
Fall and Winter! My favorite soup right now is Chorizo, white bean and
collards. When it comes to roasting vegetables, I am in love with broccoli,
Brussels sprouts and butternut squash. And banana bread is something I love
experimenting with in the kitchen, always playing around with different add-ins
like dates, pumpkin seeds, crystallized ginger, and chocolate chips. You can’t
go wrong with chocolate!
Feathering the Nest is a beautiful, two week journey created to guide you into making your home a beautiful space that mirrors the love & dreams you hold in your soul.
Your guides, Leah Kent and Stephanie Perkinson, want to guide you to finding ways for your home to not only reflect the beauty inside of you, but to nurture and give back to you, in a way that transforms how you move through each day. This class is an eclectic journey through your home, a sensual path to self-discovery. We will be creating beautiful things for our homes with our own hands, getting cozy with intuitive writing exercises and cooking up some delicious recipes.
Because the journey is so meaningful when we share it with others, Feathering the Nest includes membership in a sacred online space to share your experience, pictures and inspirations with kindred souls.
Whether you space is large or small, rented or owned, we think you are going to love learning how to infuse each corner with your essence to create a sanctuary for you and all who inhabit it. If you’d like to learn more about the class that starts on September 30th, just click here.
We are delighted to offer the MamaScout community a special price on the course tuition. Please use the code MAMASCOUT at checkout to receive a 15% discount. Click here to learn more and join the gorgeous circle that is forming: http://skillitri.com/feathering-the-nest/.
How to enter:
Leave a comment about why you would like to participate in these classes.
That is it.
I will pick a winner this Friday.