Big life changes are afoot around here. I am postposing my usual spring section of Dream Lab because we are in the midst of living out a big dream right now. We are packing up our house, hopefully getting close to selling our other historic home, and moving to Connecticut! My husband was offered a great job and we are all so excited to be living within commuting distance to NYC and Boston. I am looking forward to a year of discovery and exploration as a family and in my own work.
I hope to chronicle the move in this space, so check in to see what our big, weird family is up to. We set sail in 2 weeks and have every minute until then packed with logistics, family + friend time, and some performance art too, because, hey, why not?
I have just finished up coaching a handful of clients and loved, loved, loved the experience. My calls were on Sundays and always felt sacred and like going to church. You can sign up for a 3 session kickstarter offering in my shop. If you bring your attention, intention and energy to our calls, I will challenge, support and disrupt your journey (in all the best ways!).